Home / News / Daily Horoscopes for March 03, 2024 – Chicago Tribune

Daily Horoscopes for March 03, 2024 – Chicago Tribune


General Daily Analysis for 03 March 2024

Today, there is no such thing as approaching anything silently. Pleasure-loving Venus forms a powerful square with radical Uranus at 8:17 EST, which will push us all to take action or shake things up one way or another. The Moon in Sagittarius will then square the Sun in dreamy Pisces, then the trine will go into sensitive Chiron and sextile Venus, so our emotions will be on a rollercoaster ride regardless of where we go. Avoid drama whenever possible.


21 March – 19 April

Just because you can spend money doesn’t mean you should. Venus in your 11th house of outgoing wants you to socialize, but experiences may cost more than they’re worth as Venus disagrees with Uranus in your income sector. Even if the cost of a trip or get-together may not seem high at first, it can add up when you least expect it, so be careful. Remember, you can have a lot of fun without straining your budget.


20 April – 20 May

The urge to take action is often stronger than anyone can resist. Thanks to a strong square between Venus in your career sector and stray Uranus in your own sign, you can’t help but buck conventions and show people that you’re more than what appears on paper. It’s perfectly okay to express yourself and let your inner feelings come out, but remember that there’s a difference between expressing yourself and shocking people just for the heck of it.


21 May – 20 June

On a day like this, borders and barriers are not solid at all. Venus is flying through your adventurous 9th house, but her flight is cut short by a square with Uranus in your foggy 12th house. It will be hard to see where you are going! You can certainly go and explore the world around you, but keep your wits about you or you may go too far and get a little lost in the process. Be careful where you go.


21 June – 22 July

You can make all the plans you want, but that doesn’t mean other people will follow them. You may tend to enjoy quiet time with Venus in your secretive 8th house, but Venus’s square to rebellious Uranus in your social 11th house may have people begging you to come and join them. You may not end up having much of a say, possibly feeling obligated to participate in other people’s plans, but there should still be silver linings to be found.


23 July – 22 August

You may have to put someone on hold whether they like it or not. As Social Venus tours your 7th House of Relationships, you’re probably happy to spend time with the people you care about most. However, when Venus squares Uranus in your 10th House of Professions, your attention is directed to professional matters. A situation that only you can handle can ruin your life and potentially force you to leave at least one person alone in the process. It may be necessary to juggle personal matters.


23 August – 22 September

Exciting opportunities are often more attractive than reliable fundamentals. This may seem especially true as selective Venus in your 6th house of routine needles unstable Uranus in your limitless 9th house, showing you all the options—realistic or not—that await you. The grass may seem greener and certainly more exciting on the other side, but that probably won’t be the case in the end. Be sure to use your best judgment before deciding which course of action to take.


23 September – 22 October

Your idea of ​​fun is being turned upside down. The complex square between your ruler Venus in your exciting 5th house and impulsive Uranus in your private 8th house can leave you unsure of what pleasures to pursue when they all seem to be within reach. But Uranus will turn the most unusual and unexpected option into the most attractive; So, if you really want to have fun, look for unconventional ways to do it instead of relying on methods that have worked before.


23 October – 21 November

Others can push your buttons pretty easily, even if they don’t want to. You’re in tune with your emotions as Venus tours your 4th House of Emotions, but a tense square between Venus and shocking Uranus in your partnership sector could cause someone to push you up the wall! If this person means well, try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but you may have a hard time keeping the peace if you suspect the person in question has less ideal motives.


22 November – 21 December

This is a good day to bounce around as you please, at least until your responsibilities arrive. Venus is in your social 3rd house, inviting you to chat with friends and see what everyone is doing, but a conflicting square with surprising Uranus in your task-oriented 6th house may put a few chores in your way first. You’re allowed to go into town, but you’ll probably need to check out some errands before doing what you want.


22 December – 19 January

Even the most disciplined Capricorn will have difficulty avoiding temptation today. Venus in your luxurious 2nd house frowns upon change-maker Uranus in your fun-loving 5th house, so it will be nearly impossible to deprive yourself of even the smallest or largest treats. If a fun opportunity pops up in your lap, there’s no harm in pursuing it. However, no matter how exciting it sounds, it’s wise to double-check the price tag before signing up for anything.


January 20 – February 18

Emotions are bouncing around like a pinball game! The sky is filled with restless energy as Venus in your sign opposes rebellious Uranus in your sensitive 4th house, pushing you to overreact or underreact in many ways. Even if you think your mind is pretty calm, you may be surprised by the turmoil you feel under these stars. It would be wise to avoid getting yourself too excited, as this could affect other people.


19 February – 20 March

Your desires may manifest in the most unexpected ways at this time. The odd square between loving Venus in your active 3rd house and eccentric Uranus in your subconscious 12th house may cause you to say something you didn’t even know was inside you. Sudden swings of emotion can come out of nowhere, and trying to keep them at bay can be nearly impossible. It is good to speak from the heart; just make sure you do it honestly and not reactively.


About yönetici

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