Home / News / Daily Horoscope for February 14, 2024 – Chicago Tribune

Daily Horoscope for February 14, 2024 – Chicago Tribune


General Daily Analysis for February 14, 2024

Reining in our anger may seem impossible right now. When militant Mars and unconscious Pluto converge in big-picture Aquarius at 1:06 a.m. EST, whatever moves us today can unleash a flood of pent-up grievances stretching back to the distant past. The emotional Moon then enters stubborn Taurus and squares both Pluto and Mars, potentially convincing us that our pain gives us unrestricted right to act. Angry emotions may temporarily suspend social norms, but they cannot escape the law of the jungle.


21 March – 19 April

An argument with friends or on social media can spiral out of control without warning. When powerful Mars meets earth-shattering Pluto in your 11th House of Society, you may find it necessary to assert yourself for your own worth—but you may lose all sense of perspective. Some people will never give you the validation you seek, no matter what you say or how you say it. When the risks of engaging outweigh the benefits, it’s okay to walk away.


20 April – 20 May

Being locked in a dramatic showdown with a wantonly cruel authority figure is now a risk. As the delicate Moon enters your sign, you can be the perfect foil for this character – truly making it seem like the big beast is targeting someone much more vulnerable than himself. Is it really that simple? You have the right to fight for your own interests, but try to be aware of the difference between a temporary strategy and your established self-image.


21 May – 20 June

You may be tempted to impose your political or spiritual views on others today. Perhaps this seems easier than addressing your own doubts. If no one asks inappropriate questions, then you won’t want to do it either! Unfortunately, you can’t guarantee that this status quo will remain this way forever. By digging deeper into the foundation of your beliefs, you are more likely to achieve satisfying results. Even if you learn things that will shake you, at least you will face the truth.


21 June – 22 July

It may seem like someone is invading your territory right now. After the Perceptual Moon moves into your social 11th house, it may be helpful to ask your friends for their opinions on the situation. You should not blindly follow their advice; After all, you are the one who has to be at peace with what you decide to do. On the other hand, you may be fueling conflict in a way that is clearly visible to everyone but yourself. Be open to things you don’t want to hear.


23 July – 22 August

The current power struggle in a close relationship may be more complicated than it seems. As the vulnerable Moon in your visible 10th house upsets Pluto in your partnership zone, the person making the biggest emotional show may not actually be the most wounded. However, it may be practically necessary to appease them, at least to some extent, before you have a chance to understand what is actually going on. Accept that you don’t always have good options.


23 August – 22 September

Working hard now can bring you rewarding results. The only thing holding you back may be your beliefs about your responsibilities. As the sensitive Moon in your philosophical 9th ​​house clashes with determined Pluto in your 6th House of Work, consider the benefits of letting go of the idea that everything should be measurably fair. Focus on what is needed to achieve your desired outcome; even if it means doing more than your share.


23 September – 22 October

You are ready to defend your own pursuit of pleasure; especially if this desire has been repressed for too long. Now that you’re roaring in full force with passionate Mars and intense Pluto converging in your selfish 5th house, you may not take kindly to anyone who tries to hinder you. However, some responsibilities you have towards others are legitimate. Don’t waste your hard-earned freedom by making an unreasonable request. Instead, recognize when you need to give a little.


23 October – 21 November

Someone else’s objections may thwart your current plans to improve your living space. Maybe you have trouble hearing their complaints because your mind goes straight to other times when you’ve had to defer to their desires on unrelated matters. For now, it may be better to limit your ambitions to a smaller goal that you can achieve without backing down. You deserve a domain that you don’t have to share with others. Define your style and make it your own.


22 November – 21 December

Being too harsh in conversation is an ongoing risk. As the impulsive Moon in your 6th House of responsibilities aggravates oppressive Pluto in your communications sector, even trying to talk about routine tasks can easily turn into a dramatic argument! Your feelings of not being heard are likely much greater than the current provocation. Both issues need to be addressed, but not necessarily in the same way or at the same time. It’s wise to take care of the simple things first.


22 December – 19 January

You may be tempted to use money to spread your weight around. With motivated Mars and genius Pluto conspiring in your 2nd House of Resources, you probably desire to feel strong and in control of a situation. Directly asking other relevant people what you want makes you vulnerable; They may tell you no! Depending on the circumstances, giving may seem to eliminate this risk. But this could potentially lock you into a long-term deal, so consider how long you can keep it up.


January 20 – February 18

Making yourself look big and scary can help you feel safe right now. When assertive Mars and established Pluto meet in your sign, you’re equipped to present an intimidating presence. You may fear that others will take advantage of you or even attack you without a clear sign to give you space. Past experiences can also color your view of the current situation. You don’t have to share your soft side if the conditions aren’t right, but at least be aware of the dynamic.


19 February – 20 March

Breaking down your perceived opposition behind their backs may seem justified at the moment. When aggressive Mars meets vengeful Pluto in your destructive 12th house, the bigger problem is probably the feeling that you can’t get your needs met by asking for what you want directly. This may be true, but try to avoid doing anything that could escalate your problems. Your hidden side radiates a lot of energy that doesn’t need to stay hidden.


About yönetici

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